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Module 6: Technology in AB Schools

I came from a pretty tech savvy school environment. Being the first generation of the 21st century, I was super lucky to experience the in-between stages of technology being brought into our classrooms. In 1999 when I was in Kindergarten I remember chalkboards, in 2003 we had whiteboards with markers and that was fancy stuff! The really crazy part is that by the time I graduated in 2012, lots of classrooms had SMART boards, BYOD policies and school-wide high speed WiFi. I am excited to be able to incorporate even simple technology into my future classrooms to enhance my students learning, and if nothing else, help them dread coming to school a little less! 

Part A: 
Click below to see my video on using a SMART board in a classroom setting!
Part B: Interactive Whiteboards emaze presentation

To the right is my emaze presentation on the different types of Interactive Whiteboards that are available, and how these tools can enable and enhance teaching and learning in our classrooms.

To the left is a link to my SMARTboard presentation, which includes a link to my lesson plan for this activity. However I have also embedded the link to the document on the right in case you don’t want to click through the whole presentation! 

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